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Corporate Dinners: A Recipe for Audience Engagement and Business Growth

We invite you to take a look at the recipe for a successful corporate dinners through a contemporary lens!

Authenticity Matters: Showcasing Local Culture at Custom Corporate Dinners

When working on international dinner events, you have to be able to understand the nuances of various cultures. Learn how to strike te right tone every time!

BOD Dinner: The Art of Connection

Experience an extraordinary evening of modern ballet, opera, and live orchestra at a private BOD dinner in a prestigious national museum.

Project guide: How to make complexity look effortless

Master complexity effortlessly with our project guide. Learn strategies to manage intricate tasks, satisfy demanding clients, and achieve remarkable results.

Custom made music to fit an intriguing story

Telling your story through custom-made shows & experience designs for every business anniversary.

Props & Premise: The Story of a Peacock

We are excited to release our newest video: Props & Premise: The Story of a Peacock. With this video, we dive deeper into the world of show-making. And in particular this act of the latest 125 years celebration.

New showpage: Celebrating 125 years

We are very proud to announce our newest show page of a large anniversary theatre show. For this live experience, we turned a theatre in Amsterdam upside down.

New look, New era

It's showtime! We have a new brand look and website. Welcome to a new era of Plugged Live Shows.

Launch of solar car Lightyear 0 in collaboration with Plugged Live Shows

On Thursday the 9th of June 2022 the online worldwide premiere of Lightyear 0 took place via YouTube. By using an art installation, Plugged Live Shows enhanced this reveal.

The importance of custom-made music and how to move an audience

Many have experienced the impact of music first-hand. However, the ability to use music as a tool is a different story altogether.

Making the abstract visible: The power of symbolism in dance

While the aesthetics of physical movement definitely add to the experience, it’s the functionality of dance that makes these performers essential.

Psychology of colour: The secrets of yellow

As showmakers, we use various colours to boost our storytelling. Yellow is rarely one of them. Find out why as our Creative Director dives into a little colour theory.

Covid-19: A Shakespearean approach to a global pandemic

Nowadays, we find ourselves in a similar situation as Shakespeare was during the plague pandemic of 1606. Yet, that did not stop him from creating a world-famous theatre play. Let’s get inspired, unleash our creative minds and reinvent live experiences.

What is “inspiration” and where to get it​

How do we get inspired? Better yet, how do we use this knowledge to inspire our audience? Let’s figure this out.

How to horror: Three ways to master fear

With these tips, you will be able to spark pleasurable fear in your audience, to the point of them wanting to relive the horrendous feeling over and over again.

Designing every detail: From sketch to stage prop

Ever wondered how we orchestrate emotions in our custom shows? Take a look at one of our instruments: carefully designed props.

Criticism 101: Deal with it

There has never been a time where criticism was more abundant than in this day and age. In this article I would like to offer you some information and tips on how to deal with it.

Three reasons why not to write your business plan on the Trans-Mongolian Express

"At this point, we already founded Plugged so I deemed it only logical to write a business plan for my own company. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Or so I thought…"