Corporate Dinners: A Recipe for Audience Engagement and Business Growth
We invite you to take a look at the recipe for a successful corporate dinners through a contemporary lens!
Showtime! We have a new brand look and website. This leads us directly into a new era of Plugged Live Shows. We are very excited to share what we have been working on behind the scenes for the past year!
Since 2010 we have been conceptualising and producing eccentric custom show moments for all kinds of companies. From riding seahorses in the air to rebuilding a complete theatre: we have been pushing ourselves to our creative limits to tell stories and find those sweet goosebump moments. For clients, we have turned dreams into reality and left audiences in awe.
Our projects, skills and visions are progressing by experience. So, it felt right to reinvent ourselves. To create a look that gives us artistic freedom to play with different emotions and promises that we fulfil. To create a website that gives room for more visual explorations and space to clearly express ourselves. A place where our team can shine and our previous shows too.
We believe this captures just that. The website became a mirrorball that reflects all the different aspects of our disciplines, visions and creativity in all its bright colours. The new brand is modern, playful and represents the journey that we have undertaken.
“We hereby introduce the reinvented Plugged Live Shows.”
As a red thread throughout our brand, a collection of five elements can be found. These elements highlight our commitment to every project, while also representing multiple aspects of the Plugged Live Shows brand.
Bullseye – We know exactly what our client wants. Even if it’s a latent need, we will help our clients discover the very epicentre of their request.
The eye – Evidently, beauty is found in the eye of the beholder. Yet, our curating eye sees quality where others might not, and is inspired to bring it into our concepts.
DNA – No fingerprint is alike, just like no story is the same. We respect the character of our client and the identity of the show, all while staying true to our own DNA.
Creation – We honour creation by designing every detail and giving each show element the custom treatment. We create dream castles and build them on strong foundations in reality.
Voyager 1 – This mechanical space nomad represents our urge to experiment with new techniques, and pushes us to extends no one has gone before. At the same time, the design on its travel companion – The Golden Record – relates to the emotional explosion when you experience the climax of our show. That particular Eureka moment when all the pieces of the show fall into place, revealing the rationale at its core.
“The colour palette is a labour of love. The new six colours allow us to explore the custom of everything that our brand lives in. It opens up our visual language and gives us the freedom to speak with a more refined voice.”
The new website gives us the space to visually express ourselves, with room for videos, images and animation. Composing an experience out of our previous shows, a log-in environment for our exclusive shows and deep dive in the universe of Plugged Live Shows on the About page.
Get in touch with us, and let us know what you think!