Launch of solar car Lightyear 0 in collaboration with Plugged Live Shows
On Thursday the 9th of June 2022 the online worldwide premiere of Lightyear 0 took place via YouTube. By using an art installation, Plugged Live Shows enhanced this reveal.
Successful kick-offs are most commonly prolonged meetings and get-togethers that get corporate groups excited to be starting a new project, launching a product, or beginning a new year. During such events, communication is key. You want your message to bring about excitement, incite action and - most importantly - to live on far beyond event borders. A periodic event with strategy at its core.
When it comes to communicating strategy internally, measuring the ROI can become a challenge. How can you really tell the internal impact when you’re right in the middle of it yourself? This is where ‘momentum’ comes in. In our eyes, momentum can be a significant point of measurement. Let us explain.
What is ‘Momentum’ really?
Just as in physics, strategic momentum requires a big push in the right direction to get started. A strategic big bang, if you will. From that point on, multiple smaller touch points help increase the momentum of your message until it continues on by itself. After the event, your internal organization only has to give small pushes to keep the ball rolling, making its impact last.
The very first push determines a great deal of the direction and initial power that your message has. A center show, your personal stage, one moment where all eyes are fixated on the same point. In this moment, it’s most valuable to combine all tools at your disposal for max impact. A strong concept brought to live through engaging storytelling, stage design, lighting, sound, and multimedia. A technical and organizational masterpiece. Strategic use of these elements serve to convey business strategy in a way that is utmost memorable.
Alright, so what if you have your ‘big bang’ moment. How can you be sure it worked?
A kick-off has three general goals:
Reflection shows what lessons can be taken from the past. Momentum makes sure you keep those in mind while looking towards the future. Little backtracking, positive outlook on what’s to come, and making plans show active momentum.
Excitement tends to wear off after a while. That is normal. However, strong initial excitement produces a strong drive. In its core, drive is built on emotion and should not be overlooked. Drive is what keeps the strategy going, and breathes new life into momentum overtime.
Finally, curiosity brings growth. Being open to explore, try, fail, and try again is what brings any strategic endeavor its eventual success. Curiosity has to be triggered at the start, and fed through the smaller touch points later on. Momentum shows itself in the form of questions and an eagerness to find answers.
The moment where the whole feels larger than the sum of its parts, that is when your strategy has started to gain momentum. That moment, where you have everybody’s attention, is where you plant the seed that will continue to grow and spread your core message. The momentum from this moment will be felt in the level of commitment later on.
To make the whole feel greater than the sum of its parts, all aspects of the event need to align as well. All individual partners need to aim for the same outcome. This requires creative leadership, excellent project management, and an open mind toward collaboration. For this reason Plugged Live Shows offers all show disciplines as a whole, a seamless experience.
The moment where the whole feels larger than the sum of its parts,
THAT is when your strategy has started to gain momentum.
Kick-offs serve to jumpstart the period to come. Creating a ‘strategic big bang’ is an excellent way to kickoff momentum. In doing so, you ensure that your core message lives on far beyond the event itself. Reap the benefits of reflection, turn excitement into long-term drive and sustain curiosity in your organization. You can ride the wave of the momentum you’ve created for a much longer time if carefully orchestrated with this goal in mind.
Let’s create events that are more than the sum of their parts. Kick off your own momentum and ride the wave to commitment.